PHP form > How to
PHP forms: How to?
This section consists of articles and code examples
covering some specific issues, requirements and features of PHP forms.
If you are not familiar with PHP and handling HTML forms
we recommend that you start with our PHP forms tutorial first
before reading these articles.
» How to articles
PHP form not working
Everything looks fine but your form just isn't sending any mail? Few tips in
this article.
Sending form results to multiple recipients
How to send e-mail with form results to multiple recipients (multiple
e-mail addresses)?
Sending an autoresponder message
Would you like to send an autoresponder e-mail reply to the person who
submits your form? Learn here how to.
Make sure form e-mails are not blocked by your SPAM filter
Don't let your e-mail client or SPAM filter block messages you receive
from your form.
Stop form SPAM without using Captcha
Getting junk submitted to your form? Visual Captchas have many accessibility
issues, here is a very simple trick for blocking SPAM
without any security images.
Which method to use for your form: GET or POST?
We received a few questions about what the difference is between GET and POST methods
and which one to use. Well, here you have it.
Contact forms or Help desk software?
When to use contact forms and when is the time to switch to a helpdesk system? What
are the benefits?
Prevent multiple form submissions
Two simple tricks to prevent duplicate form submissions - using Javascript
and cookies.
Secure order forms
An article about why, how and when you should use secure forms on your website
rather than normal (non-SSL) ones.
Hosting and PHP forms
Be careful when choosing a web host for your PHP forms. Here is
what to look for in a hosting plan.
» Copyright notice
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