PHP forms with examples
PHP is one of the most popular means of processing HTML forms.
This website will show you how to process PHP form
and send form results to your e-mail address.
» Process PHP forms the secure way!
This tutorial has emphasis on processing PHP forms with security in mind!
There are too many tutorials out there that rely on PHP's notorious register_globals
setting activated with very little or no form input validating.
Proper validation of form input data is the most important step
in protecting your form from hackers and spammers!
» Is this tutorial for me?
If you have at least basic understanding of HTML and PHP you
shouldn't have any problems with this tutorial. You will not learn
HTML here and this is also not a complete PHP tutorial, but rather
a tutorial on working with HTML forms in PHP.
» PHP forms tutorial
The first part of this website is a tutorial about handling
HTML forms with PHP. We recommend starting with the first lesson
and reading through others. Each ensuing lesson will assume you already
have knowledge from the previous one. Also the same
code is used and upgraded throughout the tutorial.
» PHP forms "How to"
The "How to" section consists of articles and code examples
covering some specific issues, requirements and features of PHP forms.
If you are not familiar with PHP and handling HTML forms
we recommend that you start with the above tutorial first
before reading these articles.
» Comments? Suggestions? Let us know!
Did you like this PHP form tutorial? Articles? Is something missing?
Something too hard to understand? We welcome feedback from you. We are open to well-intended
comments, critics and suggestions. Please do contact us
with your comments and suggestions.
» Did this website help you get your first form working?
Please consider placing a link to on your website.
It can be as simple as a short text link. We have prepared some
copy/paste link suggestions here.
» Copyright notice
© 2008-2025 All rights reserved. Copying or redistributing
any part of this website without our written permission is expressly
